855-925-5657 [email protected]

About Us

The legal team at Bridgemont Group has over 20 years of experience representing people who have suffered injuries due to the negligence of corporations.

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We Help Claimants Nationwide

Our law firm has the expertise to hold corporations or individuals accountable and to make sure our clients receive the compensation they deserve. We have earned a reputation as one of the most successful personal injury law firms in the nation.

Bridgemont Group handles claims throughout the country involving prescription drugs, medical devices, defective products, consumer protection, and all other types of personal injury claims.

Through the use of co-counsel and a network of local attorneys we’re able to review cases nationwide. At no additional cost to the client, Bridgemont Group may associate with outside attorneys to serve as lead counsel. This allows us to better serve you, while keeping all costs the same. Some of the claims we’re actively litigating are as follows:


• Belviq
• Elmiron
• Paragard
• Truvada
• Zantac

• 3M Combat Arms Earplugs
• E-Cigarettes
• Firefighter Foam
• Roundup
• Talcum Powder

• Breast Implant
• Hernia Mesh
• Hip Implant
• IVC Filter
• Knee Implant


Years of Experience

States we review cases

Our Specialty and Expertise

Dangerous Drug Injuries

When you are prescribed a drug for a health problem, you would expect it to be safe and not harmful. The medication you are prescribed can end up doing more harm than good, yet the pharmaceutical companies continue selling the medication. Big Pharma companies should be held accountable when they know the drugs are defective.

Defective Medical Devices

Manufacturers of medical devices often sell their expensive products to patients without proper testing. Many times they know the devices are actually causing injuries, yet they continue to sell them to make a profit. Although they sell the most advanced medical devices in the world, many times these devices can be harmful to their patients.

Unsafe Products Liability

Large corporations profit off defective products that can cause serious afflictions. These unsafe products can be defective and cause injury to innocent people. Companies need to be held accountable for the harm they cause when the products they develop cause an injury, and the only way to do that is to go through the civil justice system.